Our Team

Jasmine Ali
CEO & Founder
​Federal Government experience of 16 years
Grew BSC into an industry-acclaimed multi-million dollar WOSB corporation
Member of several prestigious organizations
Experienced in managing large government programs
100 Fastest growing company by MBDA

Navid Ahmadinikoo
Account Manager, NASA & Dept. of Energy
Manages critical recruiting and staffing needs for major corporations and government agencies such as NASA and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
Has more than five years of recruiting, sales and client services experience

Minna Ali
Corporate Marketing Manager
Masters of Science: Management
Manages all corporate marketing efforts, including marketing materials.
Oversees social media presence
Graduate of Georgetown University and University of San Francisco

Jodette Yohana
Sr. Human Resources Specialist
Masters of Science: Human Resource Managements
Over 9 years of experience in Human Resources
Manages all employee benefit plans, communications, onboarding/offboarding and general HR functions.

Sam Mughal, CISSP
VP Operations
Directs technical operations
B.S.E.E., California Institute of Technology
Held senior management and operations positions at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA, and Lockheed-Martin.
ISLA Senior Information Security Professional Americas Leadership Award
Communications Engineer, Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn
Founder, Treasurer ISC(2) San Francisco Chapter

Eric Serrano
Financial and Subcontracts
Manages accounts payable/receivable, payroll, and general accounting functions

Adam Mughal
Talent Acquisition Partner
Gathers Customer & Project Requirements
Develops Talent Acquisition Strategies & Hiring Plans
Leads Employment Branding Initiatives